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In the writing process,  there are five stages: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. As an educator, help your students to be able to write in various genres including: informational writing, narrative writing, personal writing, perusasive writing, and poetry writing. In each genre, educators can incorporate numerous activities into their classrooms. Having students to write letters, emails, blogs and to create commercials are just a few activities that students can complete to enhance their writing skills.

Click on the picture on the left to access a poem entitled "The Crocodile" by Roald Dahl. Afterwards,  

click on each of the pictures below to access other materials about writing: 


Integrating Technology with Writing

Get your students excited about the writing process. Click on the Writing Process' picture. 


Listen to the Youtube video about integrating assistive technology tools with writing. Click on the picture in the middle. 



Remember click on each picture to access a website or document. 


Elements of Story Structure

Stories have unique structural elements that distinguish them from other forms of literature. The structure of stories is complex-plot, setting, characters, theme and other elements interact to produce a story. The five most important elements of a story: plot, characters, setting, point of view, and theme.


Use a characterization doll to teach students about the characters' traits and development.

What are the various story genres? They include folklore, fantasy, and realism. Folklore covers a variety of genres which include fables, fairy tales, myths and legends. Realism entails contemporary stories and historical fiction.


Click the picture below to access The Ballad of Paul Bunyan.

Story Categories and Genres

Fairy Tales-

                      click picture

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